Update on Kerri's treatment.: Starting the first of the last four | July 26, 2016 at 04:25PM

Hello, Hope all is well.  Today was a pre chemo blood work and doctor consultation. It went well.  No red flags.  New medications were prescribed because the chemo drugs starting tomorrow are different.  Less concerns about nausea, but high risk of allergies and stronger side effects. Paclitaxel is the chemo medication that will be used starting tomorrow.http://ift.tt/2aIwB8E Tomorrow will the first of 4 treatments. The treatments are 4 hours long as opposed to the one hour in the previous 4 treatments of the "Red Devil" drug.  Kerri is planning to use the time to catch up on her readings. :-) .  The side effects of this treatment are slightly different,  bit more severe.  Severe aches and pains, headaches, swelling, tiredness and some other not so fun stuff.  But like Veer says "Never fear Veer is here" :-).  He has been very actively involved in helping mom be comfortable. And even makes his own bed and cleans up without being asked.   Plus the way Kerri is going, I doubt this will slow her.  She is putting up a very strong fight. In spite of certain unfortunate circumstances in her life.  Thank you all for the  tremendous support and love that you have  offered. It is much appreciated. As always please call me (403) 975 7667  or email me if require more information Best Regards     Ron Singh about.me/ronsingh    

http://ift.tt/19fNRe4 from Ron
via Kerri's Website

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