The Truth about Cancer

This post may be very difficult for many many of my family and friends who have had cancer affect their lives or lives of loved ones.  

My husband sent me the link to watch this.  I am watching episode 2 and will watch all of them this year to become more aware.  Since going through all the conventional treatments and now watching this is hitting me and more questions are coming to mind! I hope you all take a chance to watch this.  It can't hurt to know more. It may be very emotional and difficult because of what families have gone through! My heart is there with you all.  

Lets educate ourselves so there is less fear and and more control we can have in our lives. Lets work towards prevention like Charlotte Haley that started with a peach ribbon (the now, pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness) wanted.   

It is free to watch until November 9th. 
Click the Pink link below and make time to watch this.

Stay Strong!

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