Fwd: update regarding Kerri : Day 6 after Chemotherapy | July 22, 2016 at 08:27PM

Hello all.  Just a quick update , nothing significant.  It is day 6 after the first Chemo.  So far nothing disquieting or of any serious nature.  No fever ( a big red flag ).   Slight headache, which was dealt aptly with Advil. This coming Wednesday we are going for a custom wig fitting for her.  We are all divided on the issue.  While Kerri insists (and I agree) that she doesn’t need one, Veer thinks she should get a pink or a purple wig.   My mom is being mom and not taking sides.  I agree with Aunt Nancy… “she does look gorgeous with her head shaved” .  Kerri’s metabolism has gone through the roof and she is eating like an athlete.  All protein, chicken , lamb and lentils in various forms.  Once again very thankful for mom being here to keep up with her appetite. She is cooking up a storm in the kitchen,   Would have been a challenge for me by myself. My sister will be joining the ranks in the next few days.  She has graciously canceled her (and her family’s) summer vacation, to be here for Kerri. My Aunt from Edmonton is here as well and so is my cousin who flew in from Dallas. We have a great team J So hopefully we will be able to keep up.  A real heartfelt thank you to all family and friends who have rallied around and helped boost Kerri’s spirit and strength.  Too many to name here but we will reach out to all of you individually. Knowing that you stand by her means a lot. You know who you are. Thank you As always please feel free to call me ( 403 ) 975 7667 if you require more information or you may visit her blog   http://ift.tt/2an2BlV p.s Kerri does get the sudden strange urge to sing ABBA songs every once in a while but I think that is a side effect of chemo!.        Best Regards     Ron ​ Singh about.me/ronsingh    

from Ronbr> via Kerri's Website

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